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James Prosek

More than 200,000 readers have bought Prosek's previous books. This most poignant & revealing memoir includes images of his first love--his rowing days at Yale, his relationship to an old game warden named Joe Haines. Always, brook trout are at the center of his memories: they are his home fish, & he follows their range from Quebec to Georgia. Full color; watercolors by Prosek

7x7 inches, 128 pages.

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Book Hardcover Prosek $24.95 Out of Stock

From Publishers Weekly:
In an elegant work of prose and painting, Prosek (The Complete Angler) dips freely into his past and recalls events ranging from notable hunts for brook trout--his favorite fish--to frustrated forays into teenage affection. Interspersed evenly in this coffee-table presentation are examples of Prosek's deft watercolor prints, which often speak just as effectively as the writing itself. Though muted and painterly, Prosek's watercolors render their subjects more crisply than photographs. Likewise, his writing at its best is simple, earnest and resonant, at times leaving readers with the quiet, meditative afterglow of the nature writings of Annie Dillard and Sigurd F. Olson. The book's flaw lies with the occasionally awkward variations on its central theme: the connection between the cherished brook trout and Prosek's amorous intentions can range from humorous to tenuous. "We shared a love for secret places," Prosek writes of a friend, "and imagined there were gnomes and trolls living in the rock ledge of his yard. This same sensibility translated into enjoyment of trout and, later, women." The correlation goes from unclear to uncouth with one chapter title, which is named after both a pond and a woman: "Kate's Hole." But such blemishes are not common, and Prosek's motif successfully conveys the depth of his passion for fishing. "I have written this little book," he says, "in order to capture something in myself that I never want to forget." Readers will have little doubt that he has made a lasting impression. Copyright 2000 Reed Business Information, Inc.

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