Umpqua Big Fish Deceiver - Mult Colors
Usually about 5" long and tied on a saltwater friendly TMC 3/0 hook - these flies work on basically all saltwater and freshwater predatory fish
From pike, muskie and peacocks - to stripers, blues, dorado, jacks etc
Can be thrown on 8 wt rods and larger
Scroll down for availability
Description | Color | Size | Price | Availability |
Umpqua Big Fish Deceiver | Chart/White | #3/0 | $5.95 | Add to Cart |
Umpqua Big Fish Deceiver | Blue/White | #3/0 | $5.95 | Add to Cart |
Umpqua Big Fish Deceiver | Grey/White | #3/0 | $5.95 | Add to Cart |
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